Friday, January 18, 2008

My Fair Lady, Kennedy Center

My Fair Lady, Kennedy Center

Written by Lerner and Loewe, and first produced on Broadway in 1956, My Fair Lady is one of the greatest musicals of all time, and my favorite musical of all time. Direct from its 50th Anniversary London engagement, this production from the National Theatre of Great Britain was so outstanding that one could not imagine the original production being better.

British theater actors Christopher Cazenove as Professor Henry Higgins and Lisa O'Hare as Eliza Doolittle, surely were as wonderful as Rex Harrison and Julie Andrews. The other principal actors were also outstanding: Walter Charles as Colonel Hugh Pickering, Alma Cuervo as Mrs. Pearce, Tim Jerome as Alfred P. Doolittle, Sally Ann Howes as Mrs. Higgins, and Justin Bohon as Freddy Eynsford-Hill. I have seen the movie numerous times, and I felt that this cast was as good as the movie cast.

I have seen more than 100 Broadway shows, including many musicals, and this show was the best show I have ever seen. It was absolutely incredible.

As a footnote, it is interesting that George Bernard Shaw wrote this play, Pygmalian, in 1913, and he wrote the part of Elisa for Mrs. Patrick Campbell, with whom he had a romantic correspondence for more than 40 years.

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